
Showing posts from October, 2016
Himba village - burial grounds Himba graves are often marked with cattle horns - if the tips face upwards, it's a man's grave, if they face downwards, it's a woman's grave.
Himba village - o tjize paste We visited one of the Himba vil la ges in Kunene, and had the opportunity to learn a lit t le bit about their culture. Himba women use a red paste calle d otjize to protect their skin from the harsh sun. They also use the paste on their hair and jewelry.  They make the paste from ochre powde r and fat (or vaseline ).    The ground ochre was very, very soft and smelled very nice !   The fat, and sometimes resins, are mixed with the ocre powder  in a horn ja r , and the paste is then ready to use . The leftover paste is stored in the horn jars.
Driving in Kunene When you're driving in Kunene, you may see locals waving to you near the road. Some may want a lift, and others may ask for water or food.  Take along as much extra water and food to share as you possibly can, especially water. It'll be much appreciated.